First of all… as I am about to share what I will now share there is this Fiery Glow rushing through my whole body… O my Goddess, She is confirming in so many ways that it is TIME…So, here we go… because when She is like this, I simply need to sit, listen and transmit..
This week (weeknr. 31) we numerologically had the number 13 twice 29-07-2020 (2+9=11+7=18 -> 1+8= 9+2= 11+2=13, but add up all numbers without the in between steps, so 2+9+7+2+2, and you get the Magdalene number 22) and on Saturday was the second 13 date: 01-08-2020 (=13).
13(*) links to / holds The Goddess KEY Code.
Having that twice this week is a DOUBLE confirmation that it’s TIME to start to share more about upcoming Newborn She wants me to bring forth.
I know Í have been waiting long enough for that and o my Goddess it feels exciting!!
It’s an online program consisting of… A LOT… and it’s ALL about HER.
Who Awakens. And then after that… well, I can not reveal much more as of yet bút She has shown me quite a bit (and knowing Her, it can all change ;-) and it will all surface in Divine timing.
We are about to dive into a Flow ruled by ‘la Femme Sacre’. And when you decide to ‘travel and discover’ with us you have to be willing to embark on Her Queenly Krystalline Craft for a Journey into yet Unknown Territories…
* the Masculine does NOT exist