Angel of Abundance

One’s Soul is in an abundant state at all times.

It is only the misuse of the mind

that creates the illusion that one is not.


Abundance is the absolute Truth

and expression of the Divine through man.

Abundance is that which the ‘One’ desires,

great love, great joy, beauty and peace.

Abundance is the love song that is sounded by the eternal angels

in praise for the Holy One, that manifests all.

It is the Alpha, it is the Omega,

it is the Arc.

Seek that

which is the abundant state

of ones Soul’s consciousness.

Desire that which is of God,

desire the desire of God

in Oneness.

For man will not only walk with the eternal angels,

but it shall be given unto him

to place the great and glorious heavenly treasures,

upon this holy earth.

~ Lorraine Coffey ~

copyright ©Ariëtte Love ♡ Loeffen, all rights reserved

(regarding all my creations like pictures and writings - sharing is okay as long as it's shared in Truth and Authenticity;

including my name as being the creator/owner and my website