Celebrating Mother Mary, Isis and The Magdalene

art by Ariëtte Love



from Scotland ☆ Isle of Lewis ☆ Callanish


Krystal (Christ-ALL) Light Codes DNA Activation 

15 August 2023

August 15th is the 227th day of the year

Remember that number of 227?

22 July, so 22.7 = Magdalene’s Feastday.

This day happens to be in week 33.

33 to me stands for Yeshua but also for Christ Consciousness,

which is way broader than merely one individual.

The church of Rome determined that 15th of August is the Day of the Assumption of Mary (a.k.a. Mother Mary, Virgin Mary, Mary Anne).

There are also assumptions that on / around August 15th (or later in August, around 27th) Isis’ Birthday used to be celebrated.


artist unknown to me (let me know if you know who created this beautiful art)

Rather recently, the White Lions have fully returned into my life, in a very powerful and potent way. 

They showed themselves both as being guardians, as well as sacred guides ánd as servants.

To The Mission.

And The Mission is Love.

Of course.

The White Lion Beings have been here since… well, what I have seen, since many many ages.

I now regularly see one, with my inner eyesight, right in front of me.

I often get the feeling they walk beside me.

And that they have got my back.

From what I’ve seen (it was rather an experience to be quite frank) these beings are highly

evolved and have cooperated with humanity as well as with the ‘gods and goddesses’.

According to sacred, mutual agreements.

They have no interest in wordly power, since they have an overviewing perspective and are aware of the fact that there will be no gain for anyone when winning at someone else’s expense.

They care a lot for The Earth.

They supported Queens in their Queendom to help them Reign with Humbleness,

Dignity and from a place of Divine Servitude, while being fully protected

(amongst others by White Lions and Lionesses).

They telepathically transmitted Sacred Knowledge they carried within their Soul, their DNA,

in order to uplift the frequencies of the planet, of the Collective,

thus contributing to the liberation of innate Wisdom.


Wise Women, Pioneers, Star Beings, High Priestesses, Queens and Initiates.

They had high, important positions in life.

And could only act from a place of Wise Divine Grace, because they were aware of

the inter-relation-ship between all things existing.

Thus not coming from arrogance - thinking they had to know it all - when leading.

But consulting others they could trust, in whom they had faith and who had very high

and pure frequencies too. Like the White Lion Beings.

Christed Beings.

Just as these Sacred Queens.

These otherworldly Sacred Sages (referring to both ‘the Queens’ and ‘the White Lions’)

have left their imprints in many different ways.

One of them being Pristine Frequency Light Codes, containing

most high dimensional Christed Fertilized Ova (Eggs) & Seeds.


As we attune more and more to the Christed (Kryst-all) Timelines

of the New Pure Golden Age we set the inner stage for Christ Light Conception to take place.

Thus preparing us for our own Ascension, Assumption, Evolution

into the Pure Krysted Ones that we are and have always been.

On all levels of our Being.

Through Lifetimes, Timelines, Spaces and Dimensions.

In this Here and Now and ALL-Ways.

These inSpiritional Predescessors have shown before that this ís what is possible.

All who feel magnetically drawn to this (women and men) are being invited to tune into the highest possible frequencies now liberated and available,

to receive (ánd then later, after having ankh-ored and integrated this) to transmit it too.

Feel Warmly Welcomed Dear One.


Let us open up to innocent wonder. Because this is a lot of info.

And at the same time: let’s keep it real, for we don’t know what we don’t know.

What will be happening on this day or after?

Can we become still and just ‘wait and see’?...


Since I have no clue how the internet connection will be where I am on that day (Callanish standing stones on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland) I cannot make hard promises that you can attend this live. However, I will record what needs to come through there and then ánd will upload it in the Field of Love a.s.a.p. afterwards.

Also, in the coming time, I will start to upload more of the many videos I have been recording. But bear with me please. This endeavor I am currently undertaking, my pilgrimage through England and Scotland, has requested my full focus in the past few weeks. So when it comes to the pace in which I can edit and upload those videos, I have to go with the Holy Flow. I hope you innerstand.

Do know that with each recording I create, I connect with the ones who will be listening to this in whichever moment in time.


“Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris,
The supreme overseer of the Golden Ones in the temples,
The Eldest son, first born of Geb.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris,
The Bull, the Lion who overthrows all his enemies,
The Lord and ruler of eternity.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Elect One of Osiris,
The perfect youth who performs slaughter among the disaffected
of the Two Lands.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris,
One who protects her brother and watches over the weary-of-heart.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
God’s mother, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris,
The Eternal One rejuvenating himself, who raised up Eternity:
You are with him in the Temple (of Philae).

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
God’s mother, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.”

This hymn is inscribed on the back wall of the Temple of Isis in Philae 

“Now, focus on what is

On what will ALL-ways BE.

Reclaim your ancient powers:

“Stand firm; ascended towers.”

Do overcome all made-up bars

Kiss any wounds & heal the scars

Re-own and embody all innate gifts.

Thís is what sets you Free.”

Ariëtte Love

July 2023

©Ariëtte Love ♡ HeartSoulutions, all rights reserved