Divine Alignment

Beloved Beautiful Divine BEing, 

How are you navigating these intensive energies, current influxes of high frequencies and all that is present in The Field?...

I am so looking forward to having the opportunity to spend precious time with you once more; consciously BEing in The Field of Love during upcoming online Krystal Light Codes Activation on September 8th of 2022, as we remember ever more deeply that LOVE is what we are and have always been, and that we are/our collective (high frequency) Field is of vital importance as co-creators of our ('New Earth') REALity.

Let me share a bit more about our upcoming online Heart-to-Heart & Soul-to-Soul online meeting:
This time it'll be in the Light of Divine Alignment.

Divine Alignment 'happens' (*) as we reconnect on alle levels of our BEing with The Sacred withIN: Source. The God spark. The Holy Flame. The ALL. As well as with our 'roots' below ánd above; Earth and Heaven.

Divine Alignment is our natural Birthright; stored within our 'memory bank' and thus available to us to be regained and re-embodied. This Krystal (Christ-ALL) Light Codes Activation supports us in attuning to this Knowing, to this innate Connection, accessing it with our Whole Heart & Soul, as well as with our Body and Mind. The latter usually need more time ánd re-attuning again and again, so New Path will be created.

Paths that do fit our New REALity.  

Paths that support us in recognising when we habitually step into old ways of acting and thinking.

Paths that prevent us from stepping into old habits, old conditionings, old patterns, old programming.

Paths that keep unfolding before our very (inner) eye(s) so we can See Krystal clear what our next steps need to be.

BEing in Divine Alignment is walking a Path of Grace & Deep Faith.


Ask yourSelf:

  • Am I willing to Surrender to The Divine...To The One...To Source?... If this is not a wholy YES, that is okay. What matters most is your (radical ánd mild) honesty and authenticity.
  • Ask yourSelf: What pops up when it comes to convictions or thoughts that seem to block my diving into this?  
  • Are you willing to See yourSelf in the Light of Truth? ALL of yourSelf that is. Including the 'parts' that have been hiding. That have kept you small. That have prevented you to live according to the Truth of Who and What you innately are...?
  • Are you willing to learn to LOVE all of you that is being shown and felt as The Light withIN expands and shines on all of you?
  • Are you open to BE IN and AS LOVE once more?
  • Stepping into 'The New' may require a completion on certain levels, resulting in a letting go... Can you allow yourself to deepen this process, even though it might include a mourning and stepping into 'the zone unknown'...?

Whatever your responses may be, let them arise. Take note. Write them down. Honour your honesty. See where and how you might condemn certain thoughts or convictions. These automatic responses simply wish to be seen instead of being kept away. 

In Divine Alignment.

 ALL For Love,


If you cannot attend live but do wish to be a part of this Activation or get access to ALL other videos accessible in the 'library' of the Field of Love, know that you can always listen to the replay. Normally they are available the next day. 

(*) it is more of a remembrance that takes place on all levels.


This is the Field of Love

Here you can recharge and re-center. Connect, again and again, to your Highest Self. Attune to an endless Field of Love, available to you. Nourish your Heart and Soul in the pure (pr)Essence of Love.

By joining the Field of Love, you become part of a global heart based community. This safe space supports you to reconnect with your unique Divine Blueprint and to remember your innate Truth.

Being aligned with the Power of Love strengthens you in every aspect of your BEing. It expands your sense of Freedom, Sovereignty and Joy. It enables you to tap into the Wisdom that is stored within and that is accessible through your Heart; activating your multidimensional DNA and reuniting all your Soul parts. Divine Union within is being enhanced by specifically focusing on Divine Feminine and Masculine energies and qualities.

When you make some time every day to connect with your soul, you'll get a deep feeling of newfound energy, purpose, clarity, and balance within your heart, body, mind and spirit. Sign up for the Field of Love now

You can choose between a monthly or annual membership. With an annual membership you benefit from 20% discount and you'll have over 2 months free access compared to the monthly membership.