Divine Masculine Christed Flame

Thank you to All who were part of our Sacred Circle:

♡ Activating your Divine Masculine Christed Flame ♡ 

"My Heart opened up like a Blue Lotus, revealing such a clear and radiating Light, radiating in ALL directions, around and into the Earth and into the Universe. And the Divine Masculine energy was shown to me as a gigantic cloudlike Father figure standing right behind me, in my energy field. Wrapping me with só much Love and Protection. In deep Gratitude." ~ L. 

This was one of the responses a participant of the online Sacred Circle 'Activating your Divine Masculine Christed Flame' sent me afterwards. Below you will find a few more of the experiences people shared.

It was a profound Sacred Circle we were in. Current energies are extraordinary which can be challenging for e.g. the mind and one might experience bodily symptoms that feel uncomfortable. But it is also thanks to these kinds of impactful energies that we can also heal certain issues very quickly. even if they were very old...

I have the impression that exactly these intensities granted us the opportunity to dive in deep within during this Krystal Light Codes Activation and to meet and See ourSelf at new levels. 

The Light (that we are) and the Krystal Light Codes that flooded in cleansed and purified us at deepest levels of our BEing, unto our multidimensional DNA particles and strands, our RNA, through lifetimes, timelines, spaces and dimensions, past, present, future.

It was remarkable that quite some participants fell asleep this time. Which means their 'objection-your-honour-mind' could not interfere or obstruct, so the purest frequencies had free access. It also means the energies we connected with had extreme high potency and frequencies.  

We were being enveloped by the prEssence of Divine Cosmic Heavenly Father, the Masculine Christ, Yeshua, Christ Consciousness - and could attune to this energy withIN ourSelf. 

All who registered (over 160 people registered so far for this free online series of 3 ‘Activating your Divine Christed Flame’!!) have been allowed access to this replay now. And since, as and in Essence, we transcend time and space, one can very much enJOY of and benefit from the Sacred space we co-created, at any moment you choose. 

If you wish to benefit too from these potent Codes and Frequencies during my last Activation in this series, then REGISTER HERE for the 'ACTIVATING YOUR DIVINE UNITY FLAME' on July 5th 2022.

"Thank you. I felt my body was glowing full of gold. Half way I felt 'a sleep' and suddenly woke up at 21:21. So the other half I will listen back.  Can't remember the other things I felt or did see." ~ D

"Thank you for this beautiful experience. My body was covered in tingling. My heart was racing. Your voice wow!! you are a beauty. Thanks thanks thanks! See you soon." ~ I
"O my, that was beautiful and deeply relaxing. I experienced so many beautiful things. Beyond words. When we connected together, I felt the energy trembling around me. I have never felt that before, it was amazing! We rock! Thank you ALL and special thanks to you Ariette. Much much Love" ~ L.

Endless Love ♡



Part 3 of our FREE series will be July 5th: Activating the Divine Unity Flame.


Feel free to share this specific link with your Sisters and Brothers. 


Members of the Field of Love are being treated EACH MONTH with live online Activations. You can become a part of this global community any time and then get access to all available video's 24/7.

Options to choose from are a MONTHLY or ANNUAL membership (=2,5 months free access compared to monthly membership).


LINK to the BLOG about the DIVINE FEMININE CHRISTED FLAME during Solstice 2022