Our online Heart & Soul's meeting is a Krystal Light Codes DNA Activation to 'prepare for (your) Pentecost'.
This allilerates nicely, but that's not the only reason this 'work title' arose (I guess). Pentekostè means 50. On June 5th (this years Pentecost, a.k.a. Whitsun or Whitsunday) it's 50 days (7 Sundays) after Easter. On this day christians celebrate that the Holy Spirit descended on and IN the disciples of Yeshua. Then they started to 'speak in tongues'...
What does that mean? To me it signifies that it has been proven - and is stated in the bible - that 'God unified with them'. Which means... Well, a lot if you ask me. Might it be it is even being celebrated in churches that Yeshua was nót the only one having had the experience of unifying with God?... In the old days stating things like this was being called blasphemy. Only to keep us all small. Only to keep us locked in 'something we are not and never have been'. We come from Source, God, Spirit and carry that withIN.
What might not be widely known is that the Holy Spirit is the Feminine 'part' of The One. According to the Gospel of Mary Magdalene (check out the newest book of Dr. Annine van der Meer) Yeshua didn't see God perse as 'a Male God'... if anything apperently he mostly prayed to 'a/the Feminine God'. Sophia. Shekinah. The risk of talking like this, is to create duality where there is none. Which is not my intention at all. But human language can be hard when one wishes to express what one feels in One's Heart. Maybe therefor 'they started to speak in tongues'... (?)
So what does thát mean? To me it occurs they spoke the Language of their Soul, or the Language of Light... that which many now call Light Language. Could that be?...
I am only sharing my findings, questions and experiences and also memories (of other life times) here when it comes to this... And as always I invite you to discover your very own Truth.
I am very much looking forward to this one and to spending precious time with you. I love our connection and the intensity of the Field of Love that we co-Create together when coming together in Sacred Circle, even if that is merely online.
We can then experience that time, distance, space are, at the least, 'things' that don't exist in Truth, for the frequencies and codes we connect with penetrate and pass anything with ease and grace. What we need in this time, right now, is the experience of Realness. Of Truthfull reality. And this is what we connect to and remember during Soul meetings like this.
I feel blessed to have the opportunity to facilitate them and to spend most divine moments with you.
so much Love, Ariëtte
Ariëtte in the river Jordan, Israel. At the very moment she baptised herself in that sacred water this lifetime and put her head in the water 2 doves flew over her head...