Today, July 22nd, it’s Magdalene’s Feastday

After ages of having not only neglected Her, but even having spread false (i.e. fake) information about Miryam the Migdal, a.k.a. Mary Magdalene, the roman catholic church partially rehabilitated Her by giving Her Her own Feastday just like other christian saints have.

In my opinion

partial rehabilitation does not suffice and does not do Her justice, nor the impact She has had and still has. This ‘rehabilitation’ happened many years before I incarnated. Yet, all I can remember is that íf She was being mentioned during mass (I was born in a rather conservative roman catholic nest and we visited church every Sunday) it was being emphasized She was a prostitute and a sinner who ‘only healed of Her demons’ thanks to Yeshua a.k.a. Jesus.

Not my Truth.

As a child it already hurt my Heart when I heard the priest talking about Her this way. It did not ánd does not feel right.

To me…

She was (*) a High Priestess.

A high Initiate in the Isis and Ancient (All-Khem-ical) Mysteries as well as in the Gnostic Ways.

She was the Beloved of Yeshua.

She was the embodiment of The Divine Feminine.

She had Her own specific role to fulfill here, next to Yeshua and ‘apart’ from Him (could Souls thát deeply connected ever be truly apart?).

She incarnated in a Royal lineage.

She was just as vital to Yeshua as He was to Her in completing their Mission.

She was a Devotee, a Teacher and a Preacher of The Way of Love.

She baptised people to help them remember The Truth of Who they are in Essence: Pure Innocent Truthful Love.

She was a very intelligent woman; She could read and write. She wrote Her own gospel; Her perspectives are in many ways rather similar to that written in ‘the gospel of John’ (check dr. Annine van der Meer’s newest book to find out why I use quotation marks), apart from certain very ESSENCEial differences… e.g. where ‘he’ wrote about a male God, She wrote about Spirit; the ‘Feminine part of God’. (It was Spirit who had sent them to The Earth).

She was an Avatar.

She had a whole lot of courage. She didn’t let traditions, roman law or rules of the farizees determine how she, as a woman, should behave in public. Her loyalty was with Spirit and following Her own Soul’s Calling.

She supported Him. He supported Her.

She was the Apostel Apostolarum; the highest and wisest among the apostels and the official successor of Yeshua.

She and He established a family and thus continued The Lineage of Love & Light.

My Truth.

Maybe…just maybe more in alignment with Truth than official his-tory has presented us…

But I am not here to restore his-tory, nor to dispute any beliefs people may still hold on to. I long to inspire those who are (back) on the Path of Sovereign living and thinking… who (innately) remember the Path of The Heart and feel ‘something vital’ is being stirred and activated within as soon as they read Her name or hear about ‘different perspectives’ like this.

The past has been. (Yes I know about shifting timelines and have great experiences with that myself. Yet that’s not the point right now).

What matters to me most Now is that we ought to learn from what has been. From all of it: the good, the bad and the ugly ????

In my opinion
it would be a good start to question every-thing we’ve been taught in regular schools and officially authorised educational books.
Start being radically curious.
Start with daring to not-know-it-all-yet (ooo poor ego…that’s such a devastating challenge!).
What if… there’s a whole lot to be (re)dis-covered and un-covered when we pierce through the illusory part of his-stories.

As (our) Light grows, extends, expands and gets stronger day by day, She steps into The Light more and more… the inner Magdalene comes out of the once secret caves. Many veils She has passed already. Many untruths have been left behind. As She keeps striding forward She comes to the forefront of the stage of Life.
And ALL will be revealed.

The Light of Truth is unstoppable and incorruptible.
It contains The Love of ALL that IS.

Can you feel it building up momentum more and more?… Tap into it now. With your wide open Heart - that is so yearning for Paradisiacal Peace - as well as with a childlike curious mind (do you remember that state of being?…ah the freedom found in thát).

Just as with The Light, just as with Her, wé are unstoppable; the Wayshowers and the bearers of the Bright Pure Light. Krystal Clear Light. The Light we incarnated with.

The Light that wishes to sparkle and flow unapologetically across all planes and into all directions…straight into ALL Hearts everywhere.

My Truth is that The Light and The Love have already won.
Stand tall in it.
Stand tall as it.BE it.
Within the turmoil.
Right in the middle of it all.
BE the Centered Core.BE that where Stillness is to be found.
My Truth is that thát is the most precious and effective way we can actually rever and celebrate Her on Magdalene’s FeastDay.

Thank you for Walking the Way of Love.

Thank you for BEing.

avec Amour, Ariëtte ♥️